Content marketing & SEO services

Sustainable organic growth


My philosophy is that brands earn the most value by achieving long-term, organic growth. I’ll help you drive growth through non-paid channels and mediums to achieve desired results and core business objectives.

  • High-quality content that boosts domain authority

  • Improved rankings and visibility with search engines

  • Baseline for audience reach and engagement


Qualified traffic and leads


To paraphrase an old adage, “the details are in the data.” We’ll apply a data-driven approach to your content marketing strategies in support of overarching growth initiatives.

  • Analyze data on existing content and website conversions

  • Identify common themes and topics behind top performing assets

  • Use the trends to shape future content marketing efforts


Alignment with audience intent


Content marketing and SEO are most effective when they’re treated as two sides of the same coin. I’ll help you identify the most promising path forward and ensure that content matches audience search intent.

  • SEO-driven keyword research and analysis to profile target audience intent

  • SERP analysis of top ranking web pages to find your best content opportunities

  • Keyword lists and mapping to better optimize your existing content and web pages


A consistent and interesting story


Once we identify the path to growth, I’ll help you double down on the themes, topics, and positioning that will make your brand story resonate.

  • Breakdown of your core brand values into easy-to-digest storylines

  • Summary of the pain points your products address and the solutions they provide

  • A steady company narrative that drives the right audience towards conversion


Content marketing and SEO tactics

Brand strategy

Brand strategy

Every great piece of content comes from a brand strategy. I’ll help you identify the core pillars of your brand identity. Together, we’ll brainstorm ideas for content that give you a distinct voice in a position of leadership.

Professional copywriting

Professional copywriting

Content allows your brand to stand out and capture attention. I’m ready, willing, and able to produce long-form and short-form copy that will build your brand identity and support high-quality lead generation.

On-page optimization

On-page optimization

There are always chances to refine and optimize existing content and web pages. I’ll work with your SEO team to A/B test new versions of landing pages that incentivize consumers towards taking acts of conversion.

Keyword research

Keyword research

Keyword research is one of the earliest stages of an effective content marketing strategy. I’ll help you identify the most promising terms used by people in your audience profile and generate relevant ideas for content.

Let’s work together and build your brand authority