A little history about the man behind the brand

About Gary Parkinson.jpg

Who is Gary Parkinson?

And why hire him?


I’m a professional content strategist and brand marketer with a natural affinity for storytelling. I help brands and agencies define their brand identities and create content marketing plans that increase awareness, visibility, and conversions. My goal is to make your brand the de facto thought leader in your respective space.

Where I come from

I’ve built my career throughout the Toronto tech startup scene.

Over the past 8 years, I’ve helped B2B and B2C organizations boost inbound traffic and conversion rates using high-quality content that drives consumers to take action. I’ve collaborated with both marketing and sales leaders to build content strategies that deliver on key business objectives and provide insightful experiences for consumers.

My areas of expertise

Content marketing is my forte. I help brands and agencies create content marketing strategies that improve brand awareness, generate inbound leads, and convert qualified opportunities into new business.

Brand authority is crucial for any organization, and I believe that brand authority is best achieved through dedicated content marketing and SEO best practices. My philosophy is that content and SEO are two sides of the same coin, and that one cannot be successful without the other.

Plus, I’m certified!!

HubSpot Academy Content Marketing Certification

HubSpot Academy Content Marketing Certification

Google Analytics for Power Users Certification

Google Analytics for Power Users Certification

Some of my accomplishments

I was an early hire on the marketing team at Lowest Rates Inc. Over the course of two and a half years, the business became a powerhouse personal financial comparison website. We pumped the website full of relevant content, guided by SEO best practices and keyword ranking opportunities, in order to drive sustainable inbound traffic and generate on-site conversions. I look back on Lowest Rates as a great accomplishment, proud of my role in helping to build a multi-million dollar organization that continues to thrive today.

I was also proud to drive the content marketing strategy at Flashstock, a technology company that connected enterprise brands with creative specialists to drive faster, efficient, and custom content creation. Flashstock was later acquired by Shutterstock where I helped develop the Shutterstock Enterprise brand. Shutterstock Enterprise became the public face of the B2B platform for large corporations, agencies, media, and film production companies.

My goal with this business

Today, I work with marketers, agencies, and entrepreneurs in the startup space to build, enable, refine, and optimize brand authority. I’ll help your company create strategic brand positioning, and we’ll use those brand guidelines to create high-quality content that aligns with SEO best practices. It’s my mission to increase brand awareness and inbound web traffic for your brand, and I’ll do all that I can to help you achieve sustainable organic growth.

Connect with me

Let’s discuss how best to empower organic growth for your brand.